Upper Intermediate B2 (5 Weeks) – Ealing


Thursdays from 9.30 to 11 am at the Sir Michael Balcon Pub (46–47 The Mall, Ealing W5 3TJ)
from 27/02/2025 to the 27/03/2025 for 5 weeks – £75

This course is mainly based on conversations. It is a very relaxed atmosphere and is great for parents / self employed / part time mature students who have some spare time in the morning .

We talk about French culture over a coffee and talk about our day to day activities in French. Our class is always a good laugh!
The class is run all in French ( apart from some grammar points)
Maximum numbers if students: 12

We accept students through the term, so please do not hesitate to contact us by email if you would like to join us!
We also accept other method of payments like bank transfer, cheque or cash. Please email us for more details. Merci!


In this 5 weeks course, you will learn:

  • Talk about the way we get information
  • To give information by mail
  • to understand headlines and news
  • To give a point of view about news and know how to analyse information
  • The solidarity actions
  • To be opposed or committed (The vocabulary to talk about oppositions or commitments )

Additional entry requirements

To join this class, you should be able to give information about your family, work and hobbies, express what you like or hate, talk about past events using past tense and imperfect and be able to use the future tense and pluperfect. You should also be able to held a conversation in French about daily life, talk about relationships with others, and give your opinion about a situation/or to have completed the level B1 (or to have done about 270-360 hours of French before).


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