La Jolie Ronde French club
We understand the importance of children learning a language from a very young age
Children French Classes
At Virgile Language Training, we understand the importance of children learning a language
from a very young age, at a time when their brains
are most able to absorb a new vocabulary.
That is why we work in conjunction with La Jolie Ronde French Club to provide classes for Children.
Our program includes games, role plays, song, stories
and we provide the children with a great activity book
so they have a lot of fun learning the language!
We run our after school clubs in many west London schools
and at our center at St John’s Church in West Ealing.
All our tutors hold an enhanced Criminal Record Bureau Check and all our after school clubs have a maximum of twelve pupils per class, which ensures each child receives plenty of attention.
We give you all the support you need to achieve your goals.
After school club St John's church-W.Ealing (age 4-9 yrs)
West Ealing
St John’s Church, Mattock Lane, W13 9LA
Children learn French in a fun atmosphere, through rhymes, songs, stories and role plays.
All the children are given a book and a CD with all the songs we learn to support the program.
The lessons are held at St John’s Church:
– From 5 to 5.45pm on Tuesdays for children in Year 4/5
St John’s Church Tuesday Class
French clubs running within a school in:
(Please note that the following classes are solely for pupils attending the stated school.)
South Ealing
The Grange Primary school:
on Tuesdays ( Year 3/4) from 3.20 to 4.10 pm
Wednesdays (Reception) from 3.20 to 4.10 pm
Thursdays (Year 1/2) from 3.20 to 4.10pm
Grange Primary School Tuesday Class
Grange Primary School Wednesday Class
Grange Primary School Thursday Class
Stanwell Fields Primary School
on Mondays for Year 5/6 from 3 to 4pm
Stanwell Fields School Mondays Class
William Hogarth Primary School on:
Mondays for Year 3/4 from 3.30 to 4.30 pm
(Monday class cancelled this term)
Thursdays for Year 1/2 from 3.30 to 4.30 pm
William Hogarth School Thursday Class
Cranford Park Primary School on :
Tuesdays for Year 1/2/3 from 3.20 to 4.20pm
Fridays for Year 4/5 from 3.20 to 4.20 pm
Fielding Primary school on:
Mondays from 3.30 to 4.30 for Reception
Program details:
1st term Les aventures (Book1)
2nd termLes aventures(Book1)
3rd term les aventures (Book1)
Tuesdays from 3.30 to 4.30pm for year 1/2
Program details:
1st term Les aventures (Book2)
2nd term Les aventures (Book2)
3rd term Lesaventures (Book2)
Please contact the school directly through their website below to book a place at this French club:
If your child is already registered at our club at Fielding school and you just need to purchase the book and audio, please click on the book picture below (£15 Book/CD/Audio Pack):
“This website is owned and managed by ‘Virgile language training’, who are operating under Licence to La Jolie Ronde (Licence number 9612). All content, advice and opinions raised on this website are the responsibility of “Virgile language training” and not of La Jolie Ronde Ltd.”