
French club books
Salut Celine et Antoine program
Course description:
This program is based on real communication situations and includes mainly role plays, oral and practical activities, with the addition of reading and writing as they progress through the course. New games and song are introduced at each lesson to practice the vocabulary and phrases. In this program, each lesson is covered within 2 weeks and during the all year, we will practice the “ French bath “ which is a 5-10 mn (per lesson) revision of the vocabulary the children have seen previously. It is also suitable for new children as we revise this vocabulary all year round through fun flash cards games so they can learn it at anytime.
This year, we will cover many themes:
- Lesson 1: les transports et voyages (The transports and travel)
- Lesson 2: Rencontrer des gens (Meeting people)
- Lesson 3: La maison d’Antoine (Antoine’s house)
- Lesson 4: Des endroits divers ( Some different places)
- Lesson 5: Les animaux (pets)
- Lesson 6: Les animaux de la ferme ( The farm animals)
- Lesson 7: les animaux (more animals)
- Lesson 8: Les insectes (the insects)
- Lesson 9: Les parties du visage (The parts of the face)
- Lesson 10: Les parties du corps (The parts of the body)
- Lesson 11: Les fruits et fromages (The fruits and cheese)
Lesson 12: la nourriture et les magasins ( More food and shops) - Lesson 13: Les desserts ( The desserts)
- Lesson 14: Les couverts ( The cutlery)
- Lesson 15: Les boissons ( The drinks)
- Lesson 16: Revision
- lesson 17: Les habits (the clothes)
For more details about the program, please click below on the course outline below:
Course outline (2018/19): (open link in a new tab)
1st term Salut celine et Antoine
2nd term Salut Celine et Antoine
3rd term Salut Celine et Antoine
Course outline (Last term 2017/18)
3rd term Les aventures (book2)
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